Friday December 1, 2023

By DR. JANIE LACY MENTAL WELLNESS As an experienced psychotherapist, I can affirm that the journey to mental wellness begins with recognizing when you’re suffering. Understanding these signs is the first step towards seeking help and becoming the best version of yourself. Let’s delve into some common indicators that your mental health might need attention. 1. Changes in Mood or Behavior: Noticeable shifts in emotions, excessive worries, feelings of sadness, or confused thinking can all point to mental health struggles. It’s not about the occasional mood swing, but rather persistent changes that seem out of character for you. 2. Sleep or Appetite Changes: If you’re sleeping or eating too much or too little, it may signal a deeper issue. Our bodies often communicate what our minds are going through. 3. Social Withdrawal: Withdrawing from activities that used to bring you joy or feeling disconnected from loved ones can be a sign of declining mental health. MENTAL WELLNESS 4. Physical Symptoms: Mental health issues can manifest physically, such as unexplained aches or pains. Listen to your body; it usually tells us when something is off. 5. Decrease in Performance: A sudden drop in performance at work or school, difficulty concentrating, or struggling with daily tasks could indicate mental health challenges. Recognizing these signs isn’t a reason to panic, but rather an opportunity to seek help. There’s no shame in experiencing these challenges. Just as we take care of our physical health, our mental health requires equal attention. If you notice any of these signs, I encourage you to reach out to a mental health professional. They can provide you with practical tools and strategies to manage your mental health effectively and support you on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself. Now, let’s explore...... Read more on Full Issue!

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