5 Mistakes Women Make Way Too Often In Relationships And you don’t even realize you’re doing it.
Sunday April 1, 2018
Some say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. When it comes to relationships, we either learn from them or we make the same mistakes repeatedly. As a psychotherapist with over a decade of experience, I have come to observe the mistakes women make over and over again that set them back from having the relationship that they desire in their life, and may even lead to unhealthy relationships. Here are the top 5 mistakes: 1 Using the silent treatment. When we use the silent treatment to punish our partners, it can send a message that they don’t matter, we don’t care about how they feel, and we are only interested in hearing what we want to hear. 2 Not asking for what she wants in bed. For many women, their sexual life is only to seduce and please their partner. This will eventually lead to dissatisfaction and not wanting to initiate sex with your partner. He will eventually feel the rejection from you and become dissatisfied himself. Asking for what you want and communicating with your partner will make it an enjoyable experience for the both of you. Don’t worry about hurting his feelings, he would rather know how to please you especially if you deliver the message in a loving way. 3 Trying to change her partner. The very things which we once loved or things that we did not pay much attention to in the beginning of the relationship can eventually become something that bothers usand make us wish that they would change. So we use manipulation to try to match the image that we have in our head of who our partner “should be” in the relationship. 4 Believing her partner...... Read more on Full Issue!