Wednesday January 1, 2020

PROVERBS 31 By Jhoanna B. de Guzman She looks like a precious stone, but her worth exceeds far more than that of rubies. Similarly, she too glows brightly beneath the sun. But this woman…she is distant. Her heart, once beating warmly, is as cold as snow. She builds walls – walls that are too high, and I cannot even fathom climbing or destroying them. How can I reach her? Why does this daunting task of loving her seem all too simple and yet too difficult at the same time? 1. She has faced battles. She has experienced war. She carried baggage for far too long; long before finally learning to let go. She has cried at least a thousand tears. She has survived intense internal damage. She has learned to bear excruciating pain. She has scars. And for so long she did not want or need a man to heal her; instead she gave every single broken piece of her heart to God. PROVERBS 31 by Jhoanna B. de Guzman 2. She has learned how to take her time. Time she loved so much that she was complacent spending it by herself and for herself. She had almost forgotten how it feels to share time with someone who is a stranger to her soul. She only chooses weighty conversations. She only wants time to be spent on creating and not consuming. She is indeed in love with her time and therefore, she hates wasting it. 3. She is looking for someone who has a genuine heart. She prays for someone who is pure of heart. Someone who does not just worship at the church on Sundays – but someone who has helped an old man cross the street. Someone who does not just simply open...... Read more on Full Issue!

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