Further, ‘out there’ in the distance; there is a version of you that dwarfs the you of today. Further, ‘out there’ in the distance; lives a version of you waiting to be discovered and freed. Further, ‘out there’ in the distance; lays the blueprint for mastery. Further, ‘out there’ in the distance; is an invitation to be attentive to the now so that you may become the future. Further, ‘out there’ in the distance; is a representation of the accumulation of all that you have been waiting to be unleashed in to the world of form. Further, ‘out there’ in the distance; is closer and nearer than you may think. Further, ‘out there’ in the distance; is an expression of you not daunted, doubtful, nor fearful of what you may fear now. Further, ‘out there’ in the distance; is you in confidence, verticality, certainty and presence. Further, ‘out there’ in the distance; is here and now, if you’re open to the embodiment of this power. Further, ‘out there’ in the distance; is the you who has gotten out of their own way and who has allowed life to unravel by deliberate design. Further, ‘out there’ in the distance; is the you that trusts, that believes and that simply knows without judgment or skepticism. Further, ‘out there’ in the distance; is the you who feels free, special is, creative and fucking grounded in your power, more so than ever before. We need to die to the version of the self that exists in its current form to evolve in to the next iteration of our own power. Are you ready to release what no longer serves in order to step fully in to what does? One is glad to be of service. - Stefanos Sifandos...... Read more on Full Issue!