Wednesday December 1, 2021

Jacob is the founder and the Creative Director at For the Stars, a unique and high-end Fashion House based in Los Angeles, the capital of the entertainment business in the world. As a child, he had more vision and creativity for art and fashion rather than school. Despite hardships and obstacles of growing up in one of the rough and poverty-stricken neighborhoods of Jerusalem, Jacob was able to pave his own path into the world of art and fashion. Shortly after his military service, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dream. Driven by his passion he founded the mega enterprise For the Stars, and since then, he has overseen tne development and has collaborated with many artists, designers and talented people from everywhere around the world, helping them to achieve their dreams by providing the best and remarkable experience they can have when comes down to art and fashion. Jacob's looks can be seen on hundreds of various platforms such as music videos, TV shows, editorials, fashion events and features films. His endless hours of creativity led to 2 huge success and recognition by world known artists including Prince, Madonna, Cher, Michael Jackson, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez and many others. Jacob takes pride in successfully being in the entertainment business for over two decades, impacting and making a difference in the fashion industry. His love and passion for what he does Is represented by the big red heart logo of For the Stars Fashion House....... Read more on Full Issue!

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