A Father’s Love (Rev. R. D. Quema)

Friday June 1, 2018

Recently, my father and I went through a different season in our relationship. He prepared my now husband and I for marriage. It was a very sweet and unique season in our life. One I will always remember and cherish. My dad has always talked to me about not only the type of man I should look for, but the kind of woman I need to be for the man God was preparing for me. My father has always been someone I could go to and talk freely to. His God given wisdom is so integral to who he is. He really portrays to me how our Godly father loves us. By giving us the wisdom we need to grow and obey, the space we need to figure things out for ourselves, the discipline needed when we need correcting and the love and strength that give you a feeling of security that only a father can provide. It isn’t the easiest job in the world and father’s don’t get as much credit as mothers do for raising their children. So, I want to thank you daddy for all you have done to make me the godly woman I am today. Thank you for teaching me how to love God, how much character and moral values mean, for teaching me how to discern God’s voice, and how to love everyone because you always told me growing up “different isn’t bad, it’s just different.” You always told me to look at people’s hearts and not the color of their skin or ethnicity because God loves us all no matter any of those things or where we are in life. God always meets you where you are. It’s your legacy to me and to the generations after me....... Read more on Full Issue!

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